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Hi bro, your game is so awesome, it's a shame it's not for Android, I'd be playing all day.

it would be the perfect mobile game!

Is there any chance you can add the number of lines that you've made to the right side of the screen, that would be awesome! Otherwise the game is absolutely fantastic I love it and share it with everyone I can! Thank you so much for all of your hard work, it really brings such a smile to my face and joy to my day to get a quick game in! :)


Glad you are still playing, we just pushed an update with the line count on the side :)

That's so amazing! Thank you so much. It's a real quality of life bonus. Now I need to go put my money where my mouth is and donate! Keep up the great work!


I love the art style of the game! The game in general is almost perfect. In my opinion you need to add a "Push" button. Not only Pull. Because if you want to put a piece on the corners you can't. You have to add skins to the frog too. But if you don't want I understand it.
Which number would I give it? A 10/10, a game that's funny and doesn't have end.


This game is so so fun! An absolute blast! Simple, addictive and creative. Please port to a ROM file for Megadrive/Genesis, Super Famicom, Game Boy Advance, Game boy Color and others. Would happily pay to play it on portable device. Seems like it'd be perfect for that!


hehe, looks cute! Not the biggest fan of pixel art but this is great! Must have been hard to come up with the puzzles or is it more random? I just finished a small puzzle-game and it was so much harder then I thought! Here is mine:


Thanks for playing :) we have a custom random position generator for when the pieces of the game spawn, so it's not totally random


I really love the art style and the general feel of the game!Good Job :)


This is a really great twist on Tetris and is an awesome game. I loved that you could break blocks and carve paths in-between. It meant you had to use some actual strategy while playing. I got uptil 3 lines though. I suck XD

This is a really good game and I definitely want to play it more. Could you upload a windows downloadable version ?


Sure will try to upload it this week :)

Windows version uploaded :) 


great twist on an absolute classic with its own charm love the presentation


Brilliant concept!

Quite hard but remains fair - well done!

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